“Summer and winter time? The smart person plays dumb, the stupid
person regularly sets their clocks forward and back.”
“Lack of moral integrity and a lack of awareness of injustice are prominent characteristics of a weak society.”
„Those who only have one foot in the grave pay half.“
„In order for tea to taste good, it must first be supplemented with so many ingredients that it is no longer tea at all.“
​„With every stroke of the bell, church tower clocks document the transience of human existence.“
„In speziell exponierter Situation wird jeder Gutmensch zum Blutmensch.“
“Subhumans are those who declare others to be subhuman.”
“The truly insane don’t live behind walls, they walk around freely.”
„Satire kratzt, und beißt und bellt, bis der Mond vom Himmel fällt.“
“Intangible assets are the crucial resources of the future.“
“There are two sure signs of intelligence, humor and the ability to think abstractly.”
“Social networks are the scent marks of modernity.”
“The most fatal misfires do not occur on battlefields, but in lovemaking: in the procreation of dictators.”
„Anyone interested in history should study the present because it is the past of the future.“
“Death is the emergency exit of evolution.”
"The height of stupidity is to discriminate against other individuals for things they themselves had no choice over. For example, skin colour or sexual preference."
“The elitist, decadent cliques of the powerful want to be affected as little as possible by the suffering of the world, which is why they prefer to separate themselves into circles of like-minded people.”
„What is truly revolutionary is to refuse to accept the mechanisms of the art world.“
“Stupidity is an excellent quality for enduring the idiocy of the world.”
“Dogs that bite don’t bark.”

„Why war? If you approach them accusingly and demand that they finally and worldwide renounce the use of weapons and violence, then you are actually asking them to renounce power, influence and material enrichment.“
„Perverted capitalism and striving for power: Instead of immediately scrapping all weapons for security reasons, war revenues instead fuel the global stock markets.“
„You have real self-confidence or you don't, and money doesn't change that. Conversely, this means that even without money you have the value that you assign to yourself.“
„Armaments industry? If despots and criminals had no weapons at their disposal, they would
not be able to commit crimes with them.“
„Especially at the beginning of a year, mouth heroism is one of the extraordinarily
pronounced behaviors of the Homo sapiens species.”
„Andere degradieren, um sich selbst zu erhöhen, das ist die Devise dieser missgünstigen und kleingeistigen Charaktere.“
“Just as man, at his core, is chaotic, so too is his politics.”
„For an artist, freedom of one's own opinion and independence from media and politics are the most important criteria for their work.“
​“Why should one have fearful thoughts about death, has anyone of those who have already passed away ever complained about it?”
“Just believing is not enough, you have to put your faith into action.”
“Even a person who acts according to the best moral principles cannot necessarily assume the trust of others.”
“Discussing with people who don’t recognize science is about as useful as a summer vacation in rain and snow.“
“Everyone has to deal with their bad taste themselves.”
​“Is there anything more embarrassing than these tragic characters who
have to hide their lack of self-confidence with overpriced and flashy cars?”
​"Big cities are like huge, asphalted cemeteries, beneath whose sealed surface billions of creatures have found their stone grave. They were not valued in any way by the species Homo sapiens and were thus unscrupulously abandoned to their fate."
“One should not turn chroniclers into perpetrators. Chroniclers are just bearers of bad news.”
“If someone could really only write about what he himself has experienced,
he would under no circumstances be allowed to philosophize about death.”
"One person shatters a glass and shouts: 'Damn it, that beautiful glass', and the other person rejoices in the wisdom: 'Broken glass brings good luck'! That's called resilience."
"Many people are not interested in what is objectively right, they just want to be right.
That's a big difference."
“The awareness of the finiteness of human existence is both the trigger
and the driving force for the creative panic of the artist and his work.”

"A true werewolf fights in secret. He strikes his victims in the
moonlight at midnight, tearing them into bloody pieces."
„Als Schauspieler fühlte er sich unterfordert und ungeliebt, so begab er sich des Öfteren, nebst eines überdimensionierten Schirmes, in den strömenden Regen, um zumindest von Zeit zu Zeit den aus seiner Sicht ihm zustehenden Applaus vorbehaltlos genießen zu können.“
“Film is compressed life, but without its often annoying consequences.”
« La colère, comme l’amour, est une puissante source de force qui, lorsqu’elle est dirigée dans la bonne direction, peut réaliser de grandes choses. »
“Anger, like love, is a powerful source of strength that,
when directed in the right direction, can achieve great things.”
« Le cinéma est une vie compressée, mais sans ses conséquences souvent gênantes ».
“The awareness of the finiteness of human existence is both the trigger
and the driving force for the creative panic of the artist and his work.”
"What positive things can you take from a birthday? Ultimately, it just
means another year towards the final extinction of individual existence."
“A certain degree of self-confidence, or self-esteem, is essential
to survive in a sadistic and completely perverted world.”
“This earth could be a paradise if only the simple minds did not have the upper hand.”
"If you want to learn more about the meaning of life, you should take a close look at any anthill. Everything important about existence can easily be learned here."
„No matter how much money someone has, their stupidity is irreversible.“
„Consciousness inevitably arises from sufficiently complex computational
power; what this computational power results from is irrelevant.“
“Discipline is the deciding factor that gives the clever one an advantage over the limited.”
„There are those who want to vehemently defend free speech, the progressive thinkers. On the other hand, there are those who, in order to maintain their own power, want to suppress free speech at all costs, because they fear the truth like the devil fears holy water.“
„It is not the world that is crazy, it is man who is confused and makes the world a crazy place.“
„You don't have to accept the total brutalization of the world
just because the presents it as a matter of course.“
“In a thousand years, androids will be the new dominators of the world.”
„No respect for the existence of other living beeings. That is the average human in its purest form.“
“Anyone who is able to deal adequately with their time in life, is in
possession of the ultimate truth regarding the meaning of life.”

​“The basic prerequisite for journalism is political neutrality.”
„Washing the soap with your hands has a fundamentally different hygienic
effect than the other way around.“
Attention to detail: It’s often the little things that promise the greatest joy in life.”
​“All of this ufological nonsense is actually just one thing: profiteering and an addiction to profile, and in this respect it should be branded as immoral.”
“If there were no idiots in the world, the exceptional ones would hardly matter.”
“A victory achieved through fraud is fundamentally – from a moral perspective – invalid and illegal.”
​“The house of cards of morality: Anyone who enters the hoaxers’ buildings of lies should not be surprised if they become a Pharisee themselves.”
“A real 'running gag': It is now commonly said that human IQ has increased in recent years. That must be true, after all the number of wars and armed conflicts has increased significantly.”
„Immer die gleiche Leier, Geburtstagsfeier!“
“Life is a fight against the infinite cosmos of dark energy.”
“The tricks of those in power: In fact, the term democracy is a disguised
metaphor for a level of crime that is acceptable and tolerated.”
“If the shocking suffering of animals is an expression of a democracy,
then I don’t want to live in a democracy.”
"Political opportunism: In the supposed, self-proclaimed 'heart chamber of democracy', all those who, as useful idiots, submit to those who love power, are given a place (and especially their monetary contribution)."
“The fantasies of Homo sapiens about the supposed conquest of space clearly
illustrate how pure wishful thinking can cause an irreversible loss of reality.”
​“The infinite idiocy: The universe is so infinitely large that its abstract dimensions far exceed any human understanding, and yet the species Homo sapiens smashes each other's heads for every inch of land. Meanwhile, the global arms industry rubs its hands enthusiastically over its exorbitant profits.”
“It is a great paradox: in this world I can only exist when I am closer to death than to life.”
​“What a monumental tragedy human existence represents, which in the end cannot be surpassed in insignificance and which will one day burn up in a great ball of fire.”
"Organ dealers, undertakers, gravediggers: If they don't exploit you according to every trick in the book while you're still alive (falsely declared as a dead organ donor), they will be able to carry out a profitable business with your corpse when you die at the latest."
„Do you believe that your behavior fundamentally meets higher moral and ethical standards.”
​“Criminal energies! The stock market is like the Higgs boson: Whenever
small investors look at their stocks, they fall into the ground.”
“Conducting a political election without checking valid identification documents is simply illegal.”
„Censoring people and their opinions is not just a minor offense, it is a highly criminal act that undermines the individual's freedom of choice and decision based on necessary facts.“
"Ultimately, the curtailment of free speech is just one thing: excessive and presumptuous IQ racism!
Even if someone were to come to factually incorrect conclusions for intellectual reasons, they would still
have the/an all-encompassing right to their free opinion, or to postulate it in any form. Especially in public."
„Wer immer auf dem Boden der Tatsachen bleibt, lernt niemals fliegen.“
"Magic of the night: Anyone who has walked under the stars once will want to do it again and again."
„Anyone who makes themselves visible becomes vulnerable.“
„When implementing revolutionary ideas, bureaucratic limitations are often
crucial obstacles to the timely development of technology.“
„Often the so-called thought leaders are just those who should
think first before they start raising their voices.“
“Lack of moral integrity and a lack of awareness of injustice
are prominent characteristics of a weak society.”
„Often the so-called thought leaders are just those who should
think first before they start raising their voices.“
„FKK? In so manchem ‚Freikörper' wohnt ein begrenzter Geist.“
"What is called conservative these days is simply common sense."
“If greed for money and power turned people into plants, the earth would be a jungle.”
“You have to earn knowledge, you get stupidity for free.”
“Happiness is not something you experience by merely
thinking about it, but rather by working towards it
consistently and with commitment.”
"When ideology becomes truth, truth becomes farce."
„Defeatism is never an option.“
„Paradox of existence: It is not uncommon for the mental provincials to live
in the cities, while the free spirits are more likely to be found in the countryside.“
„Many war fools flex their muscles only to maintain their own
power and to increase their own monetary resources.“
„When implementing revolutionary ideas, bureaucratic limitations are often crucial obstacles to the timely development of technology.“
„No politician has the moral right to sacrifice even a single young man in war. If he does so, he must be held fully responsible for his actions,
with all consequences (including the loss of his own life).“
"My Christmas wish is that these hypocrites will no
longer be able to kill animals for their "festivities."